Who Is It?

Welcome to the first tasks of the CYS Domain


Your task is to find the string CogCYS{some_flag} which is called a flag in the world of Cyber Security from the data given to you using techniques specific to the category of the task given. You can find detailed info about the different categories and tools used for Cyber Security in this Github Repo : https://github.com/apsdehal/awesome-ctf.

If you feel you are stuck on a problem or need help, you can approach the mentors according to the category you are solving, on discord:

Aman Chhetri : OS-INT

Raj Sah Rauniyar : Reverse Engineering

Sanjay K : Web and Forensics

Prithi G : Cryptography

Priyanshu Aggarwal : Miscellaneous

Who Is It? (50 Points)

You have recently joined the Cognizance Server, so it’s good if you get to know it well.
Therefore, You need to search for a post posted in the announcements channel about workshops happening in 2022 on malwares and advanced cyberattacks, Latest trends in Cyber Security and Dark Web from which you might have got internships.
You need to take the name of the person who posted the post with the expert’s company handle (without the @). The flag format will be CogCYS{Name_Company’sDiscordHandle}

Link to the files : Cognizance Discord Server

Flag Submissions form link : https://forms.gle/QM5JJtStbLLA7yk79

All the best ✨